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Is Stress Bad for You?

Updated: Dec 2, 2019

Why people suffer from "stress"? What is "stress"?

When we are on an observatory deck and view the traffic from a distance, we don't feel anything.

The event happening right at the moment is exactly the same. The only difference is how we "perceive" it. We are likely to feel stressed because we have attachments to what we truly care about. On the other hand, we feel no stress with what we are not finding a connection to.

We care, so we get stressed

Do we want to get rid of everything we care about so we are stress-free, that is, ourselves, our work, passions, family, children, friends... The answer is "No" because that's what our life is all about. Good stress demonstrates that we have something to care about in our lives.

Stress is our perception of difficult situations.

When we cannot control our emotions, we are feeling excessive stress. Can we change our perception of what we care about in order to manage our stress better?

Regular yoga practice allows our minds and body to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations, which could be sources of "stress." When we gain resilience to difficult events, we don't react negatively.

"Water drunk by the snake becomes venom, water drunk by the cow becomes milk"

-the Zen expression

Yoga can help us to shift our perceptions and reactions to challenges. We can become cow-like, rather than snake-like.



なぜ人は、ストレスに苦しめられるのか? そもそもストレスって何?というお話です。














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